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As on, the highlights happen when make these songs about death sound especially lively and theatrical. Sounds especially searing, the satirical strut of 'Teenagers' has an extra swagger, and the vaudevillian unnamed fan favorite closing track -- now known as 'Blood' -- has an even more mischievous spring in its step, while hearing the audience sing back the words to 'Welcome to the Black Parade' and 'Mama' adds to their resonance. The Maxwell's date, which the band played to a very limited crowd of about 200 or so fans, draws just over half its set list from but also touches on peaks like 'Helena,' 'I'm Not Okay (I Promise),' and 'Thank You for the Venom.' And Europe, is a lavish CD/DVD affair chronicling two performances: the CD captures the band's October 7, 2007, Mexico City date -- their last as -- while the DVD features video of that show as well as their October 24, 2007, date at Maxwell's in their home state of New Jersey. My chemical romance the black parade rar password. 's grandiosity is only fitting, considering how elaborate was, and also fittingly, the Mexico City show is a song-for-song performance of that album -- the only difference is 'The Black Parade Is Dead,' where announces to the audience that this is 'the last performance of forever!'

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