Pokemon Fire Red Save File .sav
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Fixes for all GBA Pokemon's save issue with AGB_FIRM. Discussion in '3DS - ROM Hacking, Translations and Utilities' started by AmeenX, Jun 9, 2015.
Hello everyone! I don't know if there was any demand for this or if anyone really cared, but I've spent what little free time I had over the past 6-7 months creating this. It's a Fire Red save file you can open/import in any GBA emulator, and it contains every single pokemon, shiny, with legitimate stats, holding every legal ribbon it can own, having perfect IV's/EVs/ with Smogon competitive movesets. Basically anything you can possibly think of, it's on here. All completely 'legal' in the sense that it will (should) pass all legality checkers and will transfer over to the newer generations without any red flags. NFE Pokemon like Charmander are level 98 and Charmeleon 99 in case you want to evolve them. For every non-bred Pokemon, I used the relevant PID Finder Method to ensure legitimate PID values for the designated event.
I also gave the trainer 999 of every time, max money, etc etc. It took me forever to make this, but I finally finished it and want to share it with the world!
ANALISIS MANAJEMEN LABA DAN KINERJA KEUANGAN PERUSAHAAN PENGAKUISISI. Fakultas/Jurusan: Ekonomi/Manajemen Judul Skripsi: ANALISIS MANAJEMEN LABA DAN. Ini adalah Skripsi Manajemen Keuangan PDF Terbaru yang harus temen-temen pertimbangan sebagai bahan referensi skripsi. Jangan temen-temen sebarangan dalam menyusun skripsi. Skripsi manajemen keuangan pdf.
I plan on sharing this via Dropbox to YouTube, but I thought ProjectPokemon should hear about this first, especially if the community might find some use for this in terms of research & development. Here are the files along with a copypasta from the Readme I plan on attaching to the Dropbox. 'There are too many people who have contributed to this project without my consent. Kaphotics was an invaluable resource in providing essential information on this endeavor, as well as contributing a slew of.3gpkm Celebi files.cH053n is a user who helped guide me on finding the correct PID values to create what would otherwise be a 'legitimate' event Pokemon. KazoWAR created A-save, the most useful 3rd gen save editor I've found. Other save editors used in this endeavor include Metropolis, Encyclopedia, Ciro's, and Pokestock I really wish I could thank more people, I'm sorry. But if you've ever submitted a.3gpkm or 3rd gen.pkm file, you are more than likely someone I should thank.
Some things to note: -Pichu will not transfer over with Surf. It CAN legally learn Surf in Fire Red/RSE, but even legit Pichu's with Surf will be locked into staying in 3rd gen -The Jirachi will not transfer over even though it is legit. Arvind arora pediatrics. This was the Pokemon that took the longest to obtain. In the large folder with the individual.pkm files you will see a non-shiny version of Jirachi that WILL transfer to future gens. That's because even though you CAN get a shiny Jirachi (extremely, extremely rare, and if you see one irl it's probably hacked), Nintendo did not intend for you to have one, lol.