Vox Amp Serial Number Dating
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Ive been looking all over online trying to find out what year this Vox AC 30 I just got from a buddy was made. It seems not to fit all of the spec i have been reading and looks like a early to mid 70s ac 30. I dont have an exact pic i will post one as soon as i can but, i found a pic of one with the same control panel.
The cabinet it is in i know is not original, its from the late 80s. So i cant use that but it does have alnico silvers in it. Its looks like this Except mine is tube rectified.
The AC-30 was the sole Vox amp model that survived the. It is easy to determine the age of an AC30TB or TBX from the serial number on the ID plaque on the upper.
Ive seen pics with ones like this with no a vox product under the voltage selector and all have been ss rectified. The date ranges from 72 to a late 80s reissue. Im at a loss to figure out what year this is. Thanks for the help! Ive been to that site the info there isn't detailed enough. From the info i saw there it says that the type of voltage selector started to be used by 1975 but they didn't have the rectifier tube then.
Vox Serial Number Lookup
From 1970 to 73 it was printed circuit board mine is hand wired. Ive found pics were people have said that ones with my features is a late 60s and i have also seen pics that match my control panel from what is listed as a late 80 reissue but it was ss rectified not tube like mine. That pic i used the owner says is a late 80s reissue but I'm not sure that is right. Sejarah ikhwanul muslimin mesir pdf.
Looks like I'm gonna have to try and date the pots again i didn't have luck the first time i did that. There are other visual clues. Let's start with the control panel: Most of them, older and newer, have 'A Vox Product' print in them right somewhere in the corner. Except for that supposedly late 1980's amp (@ Chambonino, right?).which also uses tagboard construction while pretty much all other AC30 revisions at the time were using circuit boards. Tube rectification.

Layout wise one of the reasons why they made a choice to get rid of it is making room for a sixth preamp tube. How did they solve this in your amp? Does it have six preamp tubes or five?
Vox Amp Serial Number
Does the tube rectification even look like Vox factory job, where they likely would have used the usual rectifier mounting hole, which they still left to amps that used silicon rectifiers. Anyway, Rose, Morris & Co.
Used several different contract manufacturers for AC30 lineup and as you probably know already, the AC30 amp has been constantly under somekind of revisioning ever since it was conceived. Second clue is a very basic one: Does your amplifier have that plate behind it that usually says something like 'A Vox Product. A product of blablablabla and other blablabla'.
This usually indicates who actually made the amplifier, Vox, that's just a trademark. Knowing who owned the trademark at the time when the amp was built is already a head start in dating it to certain era. If it's from 1980's the documented history probably doesn't even cover each and every revision of the AC30 and each and every contract manufacturer who was hired to make them. Yeah mine doesn't have the a vox product on the front plate. One reason i don't believe the one that is in that pic i posted is from the late 80s, no IEC plug. Mine looks very similar in construction lots of the same color wire in the same places. Mine and that one both used older style components they wouldn't have used them while there were much cheaper stuff available at the time if it was a late 80s reissue.